HIDAKA,Shinji Exhibition
23 Nov. – 1 Dec.
Opening hours: 12pm-6pm
Closed on 26 (Tue)
This is the first solo exhibition in three years by Shinji Hidaka.
He is going to be exhibiting his recent work in inlaying and
and carbonised fired vessels for this time .
The theme of this exhibition is the beauty in the yin and yang of everyday life.
For him, who creates with a longing for old Korean ceramics.
This is a concept that has always been at the root of his work.
1972 Born in Aichi Pref.
1996 Completed postgraduate studies in oil painting at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music
2011 Completed Aichi Prefectural College of Ceramic Technology.
Built a kiln in Mizunami City, Gifu Pref.
2016 Moved to Okayama Pref.