IGARASHI, Motoji and Seiko Glass – SILENT NORTH
Jan.2 (Thu) – 13 (Mon)
Will Close 8 (Wed) and 12 (Sun) during the exhibition.
This year’s first sale introduces Genji Igarashi from Fukushima and Yoshiteru Ito from Akita.
The title of the exhibition is not typical of the first sale, but the quiet works of the two artists are synchronised with the snowy landscapes of “Tohoku” – northeastern Japan..
Please have a look.
1948 Born in Aizu-wakamatsu City, Fukushima Pref.
1966 Enrolled in Tama Art Univ.
1971 Selected for the first time for an honorary mention at the Kokuga-kai exhibition in the handicrafts section and for the Nihon Mingei-kan exhibition.
1973 Teaches pottery making techniques in various parts of Ethiopia as a youth member of Japan International Cooperate Agency(JICA)
1977 Returned to Japan.
1978 Establishes a studio in Aizu-wakamatsu City.
1981 Awarded the Newcomer Prize at the Kokuga-kai Exhibition.
1995 Teaches pottery-making techniques in Thailand as a JICA expert
2002 Established a studio in Aizu Misato-cho.
2005 Awarded the Encouragement Prize at the Nihon Mingei-kan
2012 Awarded the Encouragement Prize at the Nihon Mingei-kan
Ito Yoshiteru aka Seiko Glass
1969 Born in Iwate Pref.
1994 Learned glassblowing at Notojima Glass Studio
1995 Worked at Morinokuni, Iwate Pref.
1997 Worked at Seiko Saryo Glass Studio, Iwate Pref.
1999 Established as Seiko Glass
2003 Moved studio to Akita Pref.
2008 Selected for honorary mention at the Nihon Mingei-kan exhibition for the first time
2010 Awarded the Encouragement Prize at the Nihon Mingei-kan
2013 Selected for the first time at the Kokuga-kai Exhibition (the National Arts and Crafts Exhibition of Japan) in the handicrafts section
2015 Awarded the Encouragement Prize at the Kokuga-kai Exhibition in the handicrafts section
2021 Awarded the Newcomer Prize of the Kokuga-kai Exhibition in the handicrafts section
2022 Awarded the Members Prize of the Kokuga-kai Exhibition in the handicrafts section